Sunday, June 10, 2012

early June

local artfabric artflowers from the yardDSC_0002cascading flowers in the yard

early June, a set on Flickr.

June has started out quietly. We were without internet for a week. Not that we didn't know before, but we truly do rely on the internet to connect with the outside world. Limited internet access and no telephone. Quiet isn't bad, but the problem was quite frustrating.

We've started to collect art from local artists. I had my eye on the baobob wall hanging for quite some time and finally decided to buy it. The fabrics are representative of the Senegalese batiks. Carl chose the canvas painting. We are both drawn to the bright colors.

We are preparing for our home leave at the end of the month. We are all looking forward to our return to the states regardless of how brief it is.