Hello everyone, it has been quiet here for us, thus the lack of posting. We are busy creating our new familiar, our daily routines, our everyday normal - which once established, doesn't seem that exciting or new anymore. With that in mind, I'll fill you in on some of the particulars.
It continues to be blazing hot here. Not for a moment do we forget that we are at the edge of the Sahara desert. The forecast for this week puts us near 100 degrees every day. The humidity seems to be moving out though, so it's just hot. As Carl calls it - Africa hot. I feel like we're extending the summer season by continuing our trips to the pool. But really, I know we'll be going to the pool year round. Once the tourists leave, the beaches will be quieter and we will probably be the only ones at the water (kind of like New Englanders in Florida in February). I hear that by January, the ocean will cool down, suggesting it's more like a northern Maine beach in the middle of summer. I'll let you know if it ever reaches the ankle numbing stage of cold. Something tells me this side of the ocean, this near the equator, doesn't know that kind of cold.

Every weekend we try to get out for lengthy walks. On Sunday we took a nice hike up to the lighthouse where there is a gorgeous view of the penninsula and the western most point of the continent. And, yes, it was well into the 90's in the morning as we were walking. I won't go so far as to say we've acclimated to the heat, but we all did fine. Matthew even commented that the walk will be much nicer when it's cooler - this is in stark contrast to his distinct desire to not join us on the walks every weekend. I guess he's given up on the protests and knows he's walking.

Our truck continues on it's extended European vacation. Last postcard indicates it is in La Havre, France. If you're up on your geography, you will note that it is still quite a distance away from us. With any luck, it will arrive within the next couple of weeks. Of course, we've been saying that for quite some time now.

We are all engaged in our French language lessons. Matthew gets French every day at school and Carl and I are provided lessons (intense lessons) twice a week for 1.5-2 hours. Did I say intense? Today, for me, was grammar review and those pesky verbs. My class partner was absent today. She sent me her best wishes for the session, knowing full well that as the only student I'd be on for the whole lesson - no sleeping in class today! I survived, barely able to babble in English (let alone French) when I arrived back home.
Is there any topic in particular any one is curious about? Anything anyone wants to know about living here that they just haven't been able to ask? Matthew might share how loud the toilets are; I'm sure Carl would love to talk more about the seafood or maybe his new grill - let's just say, he's missing the Weber.